Kasper Roszbach
Research Director
Mobile: +47 404 66 220
Fax: +47 22 42 40 62
E-mail: Kasper.Roszbach@Norges-Bank.no
External homepage: Personal website
Norges Bank
P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Research interests
Banking, financial intermediation, household finance, credit risk, central bank governance
Kasper Roszbach has published articles on credit risk, empirical banking, credit ratings and the interaction between financial aggregates and the monetary transmission mechanism. His current research interests deal with corporate finance, financial intermediation and household finance. He is also affiliated with the University of Groningen as a professor of banking and finance and is an associate editor of the Journal of International Money and Finance and the Journal of Financial Stability.
Before starting at Norges Bank, Kasper was director of financial stability, deputy director of monetary policy and deputy head of research at Sveriges Riksbank and a special advisor at the Swedish Ministry of Finance. Before that he worked at De Nederlandsche Bank, ABN Amro Bank, and the Netherlands Competition Authority. During 2013-2017 he was a member of the research advisory committee at the Czech National Bank.
Kasper Roszbach holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics
See personal website
See personal website