Norges Bank

Sigurd Mølster Galaasen



Tel.: +47 22 31 62 28
Fax: +47 22 42 40 62
External homepage: Sigurd Mølster Galaasen

Norges Bank
P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum
0107 Oslo

Research Interest

Macroeconomics, labor supply, consumption, banking

Spousal Spillover in the Labor Market: A Structural Assessment, 2023 (with Herman Kruse) R&R Review of Economic Dynamics

Granular Credit Risk, with Rustam Jamilov, Ragnar Juelsrud and Hélène Rey (NBER WP updated Oct  2023)

Structural Stress Tests (joint with Dean Corbae, Pablo D'Erasmo, Alfonso Irarrazabal and Thomas Siemsen) 

The dynamics of stock market participation, 2024 (with Akash Raja)

The Cash-Flow Channel of Monetary Policy - Evidence from Billions of Transactions, with SeHyoun Ahn and Mathis Mæhlum, 2024 (with SeHyoun Ahn and Mathis Mæhlum)

Pension reform disabled, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 123 (4), 1227-1260, 2021

R&D heterogeneity and the impact of R&D subsidies (with Alfonso Irarrazabal), The Economic Journal, Vol. 131, Issue 640, 3338-3364, 2021  (WP 2016)

Edited 8 July 2024 12:58