Norges Bank

Workshop: Housing and Household Finance

Norges Bank, Oslo, 28 - 29 August 2017


Monday August 28

08:25 - 08:55: Registration

09:00 - 09:10 Welcome 
Egil Matsen (Deputy Governor, Norges Bank)

09:10 - 10:20 Keynote I
Atif Mian (Princeton University and NBER): How has Finance Changed in the Last Four Decades? Household Credit and Aggregate Demand

10:20 - 10:40 Break

10:40 - 12:00 Session I: Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Policy
Michael Palumbo (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System): Assessing the Contribution of Household Leverage to Systemic Risk in the U.S.
Tim Eisert (Erasmus University Rotterdam): The Anatomy of the Transmission of Macroprudential Policies: Evidence from Ireland

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:20 Session II: Credit Supply
Alessandro Rebucci (John Hopkins University): International Credit Supply Shocks
Emil Verner (Princeton University): How Do Credit Supply Shocks Affect the Real Economy? Evidence from the United States in the 1980s
14:20 - 14:40 Break

14:40 - 16:00 Session III: Housing and the Macroeconomy I
Saleem Bahaj (Bank of England): Home Values and Firm Behavior
Daniel Greenwald (Sloan School of Management, MIT): The Mortgage Credit Channel of Macroeconomic Transmission

16:00 - 16:20 Break

16:20 - 17:30 Keynote II
Susan Wachter (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania): Housing Finance and Informed Markets

Tuesday August 29

08:25 - 08:55 Re-registration

09:00 - 10:10 Keynote III
Luigi Guiso (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance): Distorted Advice in the Mortgage Market

10:10 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:50 Session IV:  Mortgage Credit
David Berger (Northwestern University and NBER): Stimulating Housing Markets
Andrew Paciorek (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System): The Effects of Mortgage Credit Availability: Evidence from Minimum Credit Score Lending Rules

11:50 - 12:50 Lunch

12:50 - 14:10 Session V:  Housing
Phillipe Bracke (Bank of England): History Dependence in the Housing Market
Filipa Sá (Kings College London and CEPR):  The Effect of Foreign Investors on Local Housing Markets: Evidence from the UK

14:10 - 14:30 Break

14:30 - 15:50 Session VI:  Housing and the Macroeconomy II
David Matsa (Kellog School of Management at Northwestern University and NBER): Locked in by Leverage: Job Search during the Housing Crisis
Claes Backman (Lund University):  Financial Innovation, House Prices and Consumption

Published 9 March 2017 15:55

Call for papers

Call for papers

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline: May 15th
  • Notification date: June 15th
  • Registration date: July 1st
  • Conference dates: August 28th - August 29th

Organising committee:

André Kallåk Anundsen,  Farooq Akram, Kjersti Næss Torstensen and Knut Are Aastveit

Published 9 March 2017 15:55