Historical monetary statistics for Norway
Historical data typically go back to the early years after Norges Bank was founded in 1816, with the notable exception of prices which go back to 1726 and 1516 respectively.
The database contains data for consumer prices, house prices, nominal wages, short term and long term interest rates, money and credit aggregates, bank lending, indicators of real activity (GDP), exchange rates and stock price indices.
These variables are of central importance for price stability and financial stability, the two main areas of responsibility for central banks.
Consumer price indices
A Consumer Price Index for Norway 1516-2003 (pdf)
Contributions to a history of prices in Norway: Monthly price indices 1777-1920, Jan Tore Klovland, (Norges Bank Working Paper 2013/23)
House price indices
House price indices for Norway - 1819-2022 (xlsx)
House price indices for Norway 1819–2003 (pdf)
Interest rates
Short term interest rates (incl. NIBOR historical rates)
NIBOR interest rates in Norway from 1982 - 2013 (xlsx)
Short term interest rates in Norway from 1818 (xlsx)
Bond yields
Money, credit and banking
Money, credit and banking, aggregates
Monetary aggregates in Norway 1819–2003 (pdf)
Credit, banking and monetary developments in Norway 1819–2003 (pdf)
Some cross checks of the new data (pdf)
Balance sheets of individual savings banks
A reconstruction of the balance sheets of savings banks in Norway 1822-1875 (pdf)
Balance sheets of individual commercial banks
A reconstruction of the balance sheets of commercial banks in Norway 1822-1875 (xlsx)
A reconstruction of the balance sheets of commercial banks in Norway 1822-1900 (pdf)
Other data series
The gross domestic product for Norway 1830–2003 (pdf)
Historical exchange rates
Historical exchange rate data 1819–2003 (pdf)
Stock price indices
Historical stock price indices in Norway 1914-2003 (pdf)