Norges Bank

Bank liquidity statistics

Statistics and forecasts for bank liquidity in Norway. Published every Monday and Thursday at 12 noon with a lag of two business days.

Banks' liquidity (data warehouse)

Bank liquidity

Accumulated effect on liquidity from 1 January, mill. NOK

Kategori 4. Feb 3. Feb 31. Jan 30. Jan 29. Jan 28. Jan 27. Jan 24. Jan 23. Jan 22. Jan
1. Government accounts 49142 44003 77703 57756 53706 52630 48871 46722 45447 42590
- Incoming payments customs and excise duties -7376 -7351 -7315 -7294 -7278 -7260 -7238 -7210 -7177 -7154
- Incoming payments VAT -7195 -6384 -5837 -4936 -4722 -4495 -4037 -3910 -3799 -3697
- Net payments tax -111665 -114696 -114686 -114694 -114550 -114144 -114011 -113543 -113204 -113035
- Payments NAV 61861 60987 54322 51942 51848 51703 51513 50718 50612 49821
- Payments local authorities 49715 49715 25308 25278 24686 24584 24583 24583 24583 24583
- Payments oil tax -68206 -68206 -7 -7 -7 -7 -6 -6 -6 -6
- Net payments health 42022 41785 41558 25248 25172 25046 24825 24725 24569 24472
- Payments SDFI 13656 13656 9528 9431 9363 9261 8736 8306 8300 8300
- Other net payments 76330 74497 74832 72788 69194 67942 64506 63059 61569 59306
2. Government bonds and Treasury bills -13484 -12831 -13406 -10364 -10597 -10297 -11485 -12195 -10811 -10014
- Issuance of government bonds -10000 -10000 -10000 -6000 -6000 -6000 -6000 -6000 -6000 -6000
- Maturity of government bonds 2300 2300 2300 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
- Repurchase agreements in government bonds -2727 -2262 -2817 -2820 -2883 -3284 -3837 -4547 -3193 -2621
- Issuance of Treasury bills -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -4000 -2000 -2000 -2000 -2000 -2000
- Maturity of Treasury bills 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- Repurchase agreements in Treasury bills 943 1131 1111 1306 1136 -163 -798 -798 -768 -543
3. FX purchases for the GPFG 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500 4250 4000 3750 3500 3250
4. Other FX transactions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Notes and coins 985 984 920 879 876 876 875 900 882 858
6. Net liquidity from Norges Bank -41920 -41920 -72920 -55920 -49062 -46062 -46062 -38062 -38062 -38062
Change total liquidity 223 -4514 -2703 -2899 -577 1397 -3801 1115 956 -1378

Banks' deposits and loans in Norges Bank

Liquidity holdings, mill. NOK

Kategori 4. Feb 3. Feb 31. Jan 30. Jan 29. Jan 28. Jan 27. Jan 24. Jan 23. Jan 22. Jan
Sight deposits 37766 32824 34397 33948 36594 38986 33764 38685 38546 36211
Reserve deposits 83 288 525 778 454 36 60 55 36 36
F-deposits 92000 92000 123000 106000 99142 96142 96142 88142 88142 88142
F-loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other financing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D-loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0