Norges Bank

Monetary Policy Report

Monetary Policy Report with financial stability assessment 3/13

At its meeting on 7 August 2013, the Executive Board discussed relevant themes for the Report. At the Executive Board meeting on 4 September 2013, the economic outlook, the monetary policy stance and risk in the financial system were discussed. On the basis of this discussion and a recommendation from Norges Bank's management, the Executive Board adopted at its meeting on 18 September a monetary policy strategy for the period to the publication of the next Report on 5 December 2013. The Executive Board's assessment of the economic outlook, the monetary policy strategy and the countercyclical capital buffer requirement is presented in "The Executive Board's assessment".

The Monetary Policy Report contains Norges Bank's assessment of the outlook for the key policy rate. The assessments are based on the economic projections presented in the Report, published four times a year: March, June, September and December. Was published three times a year until 2013. ISSN 1894-0250 (online).

See also: Policy rate decisions l Upcoming releases in calendar

Published 19 September 2013 10:00
Published 19 September 2013 10:00