New 1000-krone banknote from Norges Bank
Today, Norges Bank is issuing a new 1000-krone banknote, the final denomination in the new banknote series. The first note in Series VII was the 200-krone note issued in 1994. The 50 and 100-krone notes followed in 1997 and the 500-krone note was issued in 1999.
Edvard Munch (1863-1944) was chosen for the portrait on the obverse of the new banknote. The background illustration was inspired by Munch’s painting Melancholy, a cardinal work among Munch's Frieze of Life paintings. The motif on the reverse is a rendering of one of Munch’s studies for his painting “The Sun”, which is among the decorations adorning the University of Oslo’s Aula.
Norges Bank’s Chief Graphic Designer Sverre Morken designed the obverse of the note while Deputy Graphic Designer Arild Yttri designed the reverse.
The new 500 and 1000-krone notes have new security features that make them difficult to counterfeit. The obverse features a wide metallic strip with a Norse horse and the figure 1000. When the note is held at different angles against the light, parts of the horse illuminate in a variety of colours.
The Series VI 1000-note will be withdrawn from circulation by means of a public announcement in the Legal Gazette. The note will be legal tender for one year after the announcement of withdrawal, and Norges Bank will redeem the note for an additional ten years.
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