Norges Bank

Staff Memo

Government support schemes during the Covid-19 pandemic have had a dampening effect on corporate credit risk

Ida Nervik Hjelseth, Haakon Solheim and Bjørn H. Vatne
Staff Memo

After the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, the authorities have introduced a number of measures aimed at the business sector. Support has largely been given to the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic and measures to contain it. A considerable share of banks’ loan customers in these sectors have received support from one or more of these schemes. This has likely had a dampening effect on banks’ credit loss risk.

Staff Memos present reports and documentation written by staff members and affiliates of Norges Bank, the central bank of Norway. Views and conclusions expressed in Staff Memos should not be taken to represent the views of Norges Bank.

ISSN 1504-2596 (online)

Published 26 April 2021 10:00
Published 26 April 2021 10:00