Norges Bank

Staff Memo

The cost efficiency improvement of Norwegian banks can be explained by automation and digitalisation

Henrik Andersen
Staff Memo

Operating costs in the Norwegian banking sector have been reduced considerably in recent decades, both as a share of income and assets. This has increased banks’ resilience to increased losses and reduced the risk of crises. In this article, I analyse how costs have been reduced and the main drivers of the cost efficiency improvement. The results suggest that automation and the digitalisation of banks’ operations have played a key role in improving cost efficiency.

Staff Memos present reports and documentation written by staff members and affiliates of Norges Bank, the central bank of Norway. Views and conclusions expressed in Staff Memos should not be taken to represent the views of Norges Bank.

ISSN 1504-2596 (online)

Published 25 November 2020 10:20
Published 25 November 2020 10:20