Norges Bank

Press release

Norwegian Constitution bicentenary coin issues in 2014

2014 is the bicentenary year of the signing of the Norwegian Constitution. To mark this important occasion, Norges Bank will issue two commemorative coins.

To mark the bicentenary of the Norwegian Constitution, Norges Bank will issue a NOK 20 special edition circulation coin and a bicentenary commemorative silver coin with a face value of NOK 200. Both coins will be issued in the first half of 2014.

An artists' competition was held for the bicentenary design. The winning design is by the painter and illustrator Esther Maria Bjørneboe. The same bicentenary design will be used on both coins. The motto for the design is "Grunnlovens far og folkestyret" ("The father of the Constitution and representative government"). The bicentenary design will be made public when the coins are issued in 2014.

The commemorative coin issues are a collaboration between Norges Bank and the Storting's bicentenary organising committee. The bicentenary year is to be a time for raising awareness of the Constitution and its importance for democracy in Norway. The commemoration of the Constitution is intended to encourage participation and involvement in democratic institutions and to be an occasion for popular celebrations throughout Norway.


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 24 September 2013 10:00