Norges Bank

Press release

Monetary and credit statistics

Norges Bank's indicator of credit from domestic sources (C2) rose by 13.8 per cent in the twelve months to end-February, up from 13.3 per cent in the 12 months to end-January. The money supply (M2) grew by 9.6 per cent in the twelve months to end-February, down from 10.1 per cent to end-January.

Norges Bank's credit indicator (C2) rose by 13.8 per cent in the twelve months to end-February, up from 13.3 per cent in the 12 months to end-January. Growth in the three-month moving average for C2 was 15.2 per cent at end-January, up from 14.7 per cent at end-December. C2 is an approximate measure of the size of the gross domestic debt of the public (households, non-financial enterprises and municipalities) in NOK and foreign currency. Twelve-month growth in credit to households was 13.3 per cent to end-February, unchanged from end-January. Credit to non-financial enterprises increased by 16.9 per cent in the twelve months to end-February, up from 15.5 per cent in the 12 months to the end of the previous month.

The money supply rose by 9.6 per cent in the twelve months to end-February, down from 10.1 per cent to end-January. The money supply consists of notes and coins, bank deposits and certificates of deposit owned by households, non-financial enterprises and municipalities and financial enterprises other than state lending institutions and banks. Twelve-month growth in the household money supply was 5.2 per cent to end-February, up from 4.9 per cent to end-January. The money supply of non-financial enterprises rose by 21.4 per cent to end-February, compared with 19.6 per cent to the end of the previous month.


Press telephone: +47 21 49 09 30

Published 31 March 2006 10:00