Norges Bank

Press release

New mandates for management of equity portfolios in the Government Petroleum Fund

Norges Bank Investment Management is today announcing new external active mandates for the Norwegian Government Petroleum Fund. The Fund is 40 per cent invested in global equities, valued at USD 27.4 billion as of 31st December 2001. External managers are managing USD 11.6 billion of the total equity portfolio. The inflow to the overall Fund during 2002 will be around USD 17 billion, based on figures from the Revised National Budget for 2002.

We are now looking to appoint new external active mandates in five different regions: Europe, UK, Japan, Australia and Americas. Initial funding of USD 250 million for all mandates.

Deadlines for applications are 14th June 2002.

Further information is provided on our website.

Managers interested in tendering should visit the tendering page


Press telephone: +47 22 31 60 60

Published 14 May 2002 15:02