Norges Bank

Circular 6/2021

Norges Bank’s monetary policy counterparties

On 18 December 2019, Norges Bank laid down a new Regulation on the Access to Borrowing and Deposit Facilities in Norges Bank etc (Norwegian only). Under Section 3, second paragraph, of the Regulation, monetary policy counterparties have access to an account in Norges Bank and all Bank facilities. Under Section 2 (13), a monetary policy counterparty is defined as a bank or a Norwegian branch of a foreign bank that participates actively in payment services and the provision of credit and that upon application is classified by Norges Bank as a monetary policy counterparty. Counterparties other than monetary policy counterparties may be granted access to an account in Norges Bank and the Bank’s standing facilities, or parts thereof, on terms decided by Norges Bank.

Of financial sector undertakings that currently have an account with Norges Bank, Norges Bank considers those institutions appearing on the list below to be monetary policy counterparties with the right to participate in all Bank facilities. 

Alphabetical list of Norges Bank’s monetary policy counterparties:

Andebu Sparebank
Arendal og Omegns Sparekasse
Askim og Spydeberg Sparebank
Aurskog Sparebank
Bank Norwegian AS
Bank2 ASA
BB – TF Bank Norge
Berg Sparebank
Bien Sparebank AS
Birkenes Sparebank
Bjugn Sparebank
Blaker Sparebank
BNP Paribas S.A. Norway Branch
Citibank Europe plc Norway Branch
Cultura Sparebank
Danske Bank
Drangedal Sparebank
Eidsberg Sparebank
Eika Kredittbank AS
Etne Sparebank
Etnedal Sparebank
Evje og Hornnes Sparebank
Fana Sparebank
Flekkefjord Sparebank
Fornebu Sparebank
Grong Sparebank
Grue Sparebank
Haltdalen Sparebank
Haugesund Sparebank
Hegra Sparebank
Hemne Sparebank
Hjartdal og Gransherad Sparebank
Hjelmeland Sparebank
Høland  og Setskog Sparebank
Jernbanepersonalets Sparebank
Jæren Sparebank
KLP Banken AS
Kvinesdal Sparebank
Landkreditt Bank AS
Larvikbanken Brunlanes Sparebank
Lillesands Sparebank
Lillestrøm Sparebank
Luster Sparebank
Maritime & Merchant Bank ASA
Marker Sparebank
Melhus Sparebank
MyBank ASA
Nidaros Sparebank
Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge
Nordea Direct Bank ASA
Nordic Corporate Bank ASA
Nordnet Bank NUF
Næringsbanken ASA
Odal Sparebank
Opdals Sparebank
Orkla Sparebank
Pareto Bank ASA
Resurs Bank AB
Rindal Sparebank
Romsdal Sparebank
Rørosbanken Røros Sparebank
Sandnes Sparebank
Santander Consumer Bank AS
Sbanken ASA
Selbu Sparebank
Skagerrak Sparebank
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Skudenes og Aakra Sparebank
Skue Sparebank
Sogn Sparebank
Soknedal Sparebank
SpareBank 1 Gudbrandsdal
SpareBank 1 Hallingdal Valdres
SpareBank 1 Helgeland
SpareBank 1 Lom og Skjåk
SpareBank 1 Modum
Sparebank 1 Nordmøre
SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge
SpareBank 1 Ringerike Hadeland
SpareBank 1 SMN
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA
SpareBank 1 Søre Sunnmøre
SpareBank 1 Sørøst-Norge
SpareBank 1 Østfold Akershus
SpareBank 1 Østlandet
Sparebank 68 grader Nord
Sparebanken Din
Sparebanken Møre
Sparebanken Narvik
Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane
Sparebanken Sør
Sparebanken Vest
Sparebanken Øst
Stadsbygd Sparebank
Storebrand Bank ASA
Strømmen Sparebank
Sunndal Sparebank
Swedbank Norge
Søgne og Greipstad Sparebank
Tinn Sparebank
Tolga-Os Sparebank
Totens Sparebank
Trøgstad Sparebank
Tysnes Sparebank
Valdres Sparebank
Valle Sparebank
Voss Sparebank
Voss Veksel- og Landmandsbank ASA
Ørland Sparebank
Ørskog Sparebank
Østre Agder Sparebank
Åfjord Sparebank
Aasen Sparebank

Published 2 September 2021 10:00